Are you an e-commerce store that feels a little stagnant when it comes to online conversions?

Every business goes through an ebb and flow throughout the year. But, if your sales continue to drop it may be time to examine your product pages.

The HOTH PPC and HOTH Web Copy departments teamed up and produced this blog to list the defining elements of a high-converting product page. It’s all about striking a fine balance between your paid ads, page layout, and web copy.

Ready to get started? Keep reading below and learn how to get your sales flowing again.

What Makes Product Pages Effective?

The key elements of an effective product page include product titles, media, product descriptions, and social proof. Let’s check out how each of these elements should appear on your site.

Product Titles

When it comes to product titles you want to make sure they’re unique and that your whole store has a naming scheme. Inside the naming scheme, you can include the brand, size, color, and major features of the product that someone may search for.

Luxyhair is one of our favorite examples of a store that has excellent product titles:

An excellent example of a product page from LuxyHair.


What’s the secret to driving potential customers to your product pages from Google Shopping, Free Listings, or your homepage? You need to use “Shop Now” imagery that catches the eye.

When building out your store use the “Amazon Rule of Thumb.” This guideline states you should add high-quality images to a white background. Even better, include the product being used or worn, sizing guides, and even a video.

A great example of following this guideline is how Master Dynamic shows their headphones being used on a real person.

Here is an example of someone wearing or using a featured product.

Product Descriptions

Once you have a potential customer’s attention, you need to provide product descriptions that will tip the scale towards a purchase.

Here are the necessary written sections for a killer product description:

  1. Product Title: This section must be catchy/clickable and contain major features of the product someone would search for
  2. Introduction: This is where you grab the reader’s attention, introduce the product and the main benefit in the first line. Then, explain how the product works, or why it uniquely provides that benefit
  3. Features: In this section, list out the main features of the product in bullet points or sentences that flow. Consider this the “highlights” of the product that a potential customer would definitely need/want to know
  4. (Optional) Additional Sections: Consider including size, fit, materials, specifications, and other product details. Include anything that could potentially help the customer gauge whether the product fits their needs
  5. (Optional) FAQ: This section is great for hesitant buyers. Customers like to know what they’re getting into. This is a great place to put the reader’s mind at ease and drive them to a sale
  6. Call-to-Action: Finish with a strong CTA to lock in your customer. This is where you give them the opportunity to make the purchase

Your product descriptions will be the supporting elements behind the title and imagery. You want to use unique descriptions for each product and stay away from generic descriptions for all products.

The company Poopourri does a great job of this by giving us the option to click on the “How It Works,” “What’s Inside,” and “Sizing Guide.”

An example of how companies should be providing product descriptions.

Social Proof

For each store, you need to show consumers that your product actually works. Did you know 95% of people read reviews as research before making a purchase?

Text reviews are a great way to provide social proof, but video testimonials showcasing the product are even better.

To get more reviews you may want to look into a review program. Offer incentives for text or video reviews. Reviews are everywhere and this is an easy way to get more consumers to click “Add To Cart” without thinking twice.

Rocky Mountain Soap does a great job with text reviews.

An example of a company using effective social proof on their product page.

Some Finer Details To Consider

Remember that good customer service is all about the finer details. Here are some additional things to consider on your product page that are helpful to customers. They’ll also show customers you care about their purchasing experience.

  • Shipping Times: Many customers decide where to go shopping based on how long it’ll take to arrive. Make sure you offer easily accessible shipping time estimates
  • Availability: Nothing will frustrate a customer more than finding the exact product they want and then discovering it’s not in stock. Always show if the product is currently available
  • Payment Options: Checks. Debit Cards. Credit Cards. Mobile Payments. PayPal. With so many options to pay, you want to make sure they’re all listed out on your product page. And include official badges for all major credit cards or PayPal

Let’s look back at Luxyhair. This hair supply company does an excellent job of displaying its options for flex payments.

How a company should display shipping times, availability, and payment options.

Need more inspiration? Check out how some of these online stores set up their product pages:


The purpose of writing this blog was to help e-commerce stores to optimize their product pages for more sales. First, you need to make sure you have all of the required elements: product titles, media, product descriptions, and social proof.

Checking out how other successful businesses set up their product pages could also be helpful. Remember that you need sharp copy, a clear page layout, and effective PPC ads driving potential customers to your pages. All of these elements working together will increase conversions.

Do you need help with product pages? Our HOTH PPC and HOTH Web Copy departments can help you make these pages the best they can be.

Book a call with us today to learn more and get started.